Atelier 21 Group Exhibition/第一回「アトリエ21」作品展
I am in the group exhibition, Atelier 21 the first group exhibition, starts Sept. 24th-29th.
I go to the studio, Atelier 21, to create my lithography. It is a private studio and located in Ota-ku, near Yukigaya Otuka or Tamagawa. I've been there since I came back to Japan, and I also was there before I became a grad student. I like the studio because it is organized so well, and clean but the main purpose to go there is a teacher, Junko Matsusima. She is my mentor in Japan. She always give me some advice when I have a difficult time to crete a print. She knows lots of technical knowledge; if I ask her one question, she can answer me the answer with 5 or 6 new things! At the gallery, there is some information about the studio, so if you are interested, you must go there!
Location: もみの木画廊 (Mominoki Garo)
Direction: From Jiyu-gaoka station, take main exit, and go to left side. Before the railroad crossing, there is a narrow road. (corner is Japanese sweet shop, 亀屋万年堂)Go strait to the road and turn left on the Gakuen St. On your right side, there is a Moinoki Gallery on the second floor.
It takes about 5,6 minutes from 自由が丘Station.
If you have time, please take a look!
At 3:34 PM,
J. Raphael Roykovich said…
At 12:09 AM,
小島舞/Mai Kojima said…
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